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Look at the creepy way she is holding both of those kids. Like if she lets go, they will get up and run screaming to the police, "I need an adult! I need an adult!"
she looks REALLY thrilled to be with those kids. look at the way he and the kids are smiling genuinely and then her ugly 'get me anywhere but here' look.
Look at the sign the little boy is holding. The only letter I can make out are I C K and that is exactly what I think when I look at this picture - ICK.
The way Tori is smiling (if you can call it that) with her mouth shut, it makes her look like the Grinch Who Stole Christmas!! The shirt helps, too!
That's the problem with screwing around. It's never taken into consideration that it's not an exclusive package...rather it's an inclusive deal with the kids and ex. I've been in a situation where kids from a previous relationship were involved...and I can tell you first-hand that Spelling's face says it all...ewwwwww.
It looks like she's forcing the kid to pose, like if he doesn't she'll break his arm. He looks like he's in pain. And what's with the crocodile hunter down there at the end?
What is it with his eyes??? He always looks like the creepy guy in the lounge undressing you with his eyes.