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wow looks like they added on to that lef a bit. if you look at her waste and lower back, it's like the same size as that one leg...no way her legs are that size....although i would kill for legs like that
I bet she looks at her photoshop buns and uses the pic to remind her that she's still too fat for food. UGH what a body image problem. Shes crazy if she doesn't want to ADD a good ten pounds to herself pronto!
When will someone tell her that she DOES NOT LOOK GOOD WITH THAT HAIR COLOR. Although, thematically, it does fit with the entire "I'm scary" thing she has going on.
what the F*** is she doing??!! im not impressed she looks so stupid she doesnt look cute at all and thats not her butt in that photo it must have been enhanced some how shes far to skinny to carry off that shape shes not fooling anyone what a joke eat a dam cheeseburger Nicole it wont kill ya!
ew are you serious