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Further proof that most bloggers---MAINLY this lame ass site---rummage through other blogs and post the same stuff, regardless of whether this picture is in fact 2 years old. It's like a domino effect. One blog posted these pics out of the blue, and now you and every other has done the same. And it ain't like this is your first offense bitch. Eevery day just proves you have no originality, and I'm sorry but you just come off bitter and nasty...not funny EVER. You will never be able to compete with sites like D-Listed or even that ugly fag Perez. Even he knows to post some variety. And if you're gonna hate on Mariah, at least do your research bitch and quite jacking other peoples pictures! But you can't even come up with stuff on your own. You need to correct yourself so people know that shit is old, but you won't cause you're a whore. And moderate the comments bitch cause you're a nasty cunt and you don't wanna look bad cause you know somebody will call your ass out.
P.S. I think you should know that a few of the bigger blogs are planning on calling your ass out, because you suck and you post their stuff, and well, because you're blog is so fucking boring it's pathetic!!! I hope your SO cheats on you and gives you herpes. But you probably already had that.
whoever dresses her hate her