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I'm really torn between feeling sorry for her stupidity and being angry at her for it.
And I love her line "This is why I need a gun" meaning it was the paparazzi's fault she tripped and almost dropped SP on his head. She never accepts responsibility. Brit, your pants were too long and you were wearing shoes that were meant for falling. It was YOUR fault. Accept it.
Even in the restaurant she chooses a table close to a window so the paparazzi can shoot her. If she so didn't want to be seen she had a dozen other choices available to her that all would have concealed her and SP from the camera's eye.
No. She WANTs the attention. It's so clear. Look at her outfit!
You are so right. She is messed up. It is sad actually, this is what happens to people who are put in the spotlight at a young age as she was, Jessica Simpson, etc. Not all humans can handle the pressure. Now she just wants to be a mom and go out but she lacks common sense because very possibly she was not shown it as a child and because of her celebrity she is exposed. She needs to realize that her son is the most important thing in her life right now and actually forever. She needs to think of him first. But can she? She has been in the spotlight for so long. Thank God it's not me.
She has one little boy... another child on the way...the stepmother of two. She is a multimillionaire. She bought her mother a house and every member of her family a car. What have you done? There comes a point where it's not funny. Are you this hateful in real life?...I hope not for your sake...otherwise this blog will be the high point of your life and that's pretty sad.
To the person who posted at 11:55pm, you seem to have warped values here! You think being the stepmom to two children whoes home she helped wreck is a positive accomplishment? You think her not being able to care for her child properly is a positive accomplishment? And on top of everything the fact that she bought every member of her family a car, is supposed to be some big fat accomplishment? All any of this is, is attention whoredum at its finest.
It's so easy to judge someone who you don't know. I guess all the Britney bashers never made mistakes themselves and are perfect human beings. I'm not a Britney fan, but I feel sorry for her. Every move she makes is put out there and is magnified a trillion times. She can't go anywhere with those damn paperazzi following her. Yeah, it comes with being famous, but there's a difference between having someone taking a picture every now and then and actually following someone around and haunting her like she is some form of prey.
I think it's stupid how everyone actually really follows the media like a dog. I mean she's one of the biggest celebrity out there and thus every move she makes tends to be dramatised. Please, there are worse moms out there if you have ever stepped away from your computers and I think she's an ok mother. She's not an attention whore, it's just that she's famous. There's a difference. She's no paris hilton. The fact that she doesn't try to lose all her weight she gained shows that she sees herself as a mother now. I think her shoddy image is because she's now paying full attention to her son. Did anyone think of that? This is why you see most moms looking shabby at shopping malls..that is, if you ever stepped away from your computers.
i'm a new mom and the media would have a heyday with me if i was as famous as britney. my son rolled out of bed once from a nap, and when i was holding him, flung himself backward once in excitement (kind of like that picture only self-propelled) but unlike britney, he plopped to the ground. call children's services on me. better she make those new-mom mistakes than to hand him off to a nanny.
meme you are dumb, and you fail to realize that she keeps putting her info out there, by having press meetings, and going on letterman. If she wanted to be left alone she would have no trouble finding a place to unwind. She chooses to endanger her child, she chooses to behave like a total classless hoe bag. If you stepped away from YOUR computer you would know that people DO get their kids taken away when stuff like this gets reported to CPS.
i'll admit i've dropped the infant carrier my oldest daughter was in coming out of a restaurant. completely accidental and she was fine. i can forgive her for this incident. on the other hand, i have never, EVER, driven or even sat in a moving vehicle with one of my babies on my lap. that is completely unacceptable and so beyond being just a "new mom mistake". that's just plain stupid.
I have no sympathy for this homewrecking, egotistical, selfish, ignorant ugly bitch! My heart goes out to her poor children. Wake up call Britney fans, she doesn't give a rat's ass about any of you, she gave every last fan the bird, her and her dancers. So much for supporting her ugly fat ass!!
I think people should just leave her alone. A few of her mistakes were just plain stupid, but tripping in public?? As if!! People trip all of the time. Why does her almost falling down suddenly mean she's a terrible person??
Honestly, I think she really does want to be a good mom but she is a little clueless on what that actually means. There are women who can help her and I don't mean the Nanny. There are women called postpartum doulas and Britney should find one ASAP.
"I think people should just leave her alone. A few of her mistakes were just plain stupid, but tripping in public?? As if!! People trip all of the time. Why does her almost falling down suddenly mean she's a terrible person??"
Wake the fuck UP! She had a DRINK in the other hand and was wearing pants that dragged on the floor. She's a freaking idiot and that child should be taken from her.
Jeez, she had a glass of water in her hand. It's pathetic how people who don't even know her at all just judge her by what the media writes about her or because of the way she dresses. People must have a pretty pathetic life themselves if they have to bash someone else's life and the way they behave.
It is true we all make mistakes and shit happens, everyone trips now and then...but how much more leniency and sympathy are we going to give "parents" like her and in general who continually mistakes that could easily be fatal to their child?
Britney flipped off her fans long back when they all voted for her to dump federline, and she didnt. (he has ruined her image and spent lots of her cash) if she doesnt please her fans, she wont have any, and then she will see herself shafted from the business. Does she honestly believe that if kevin makes it big he is gonna stay with her and share his cash? Hell no, he is using her just like he used shar, as some kind of stepping stone to the next place he wants to be. Nobody wants to help fund kevin, so she better dump his ass.
To Wakeup...I don't have warped values..just different ones than you...you may think they are warped but that would only be your opinion. It's interesting that you think she wrecked his relationship with Shar Jackson...maybe it would have been better that she left Kevin alone so that Kori and Kaleb could have lived in poverty. That baby daddy had no J-O-B...a repoed car. I am sure that their life would have been much better, after all Shar seems like she's a far better person than Britney. Shar Jackson doesn't want any thing to do with being famous right? As for being a bad mother...are you a fly on the wall in her house... do you see it all first hand? She's a young woman who comes from a lower middle class family....buying them dream houses and cars is a huge deal. My feeling is that if you had the level of celebrity Britney has and constantly suffered the onslaught of the brutal media ...you would be on a Thorazine drip inside of a month...I am not even a Britney fan...but when I see this picture I see humanity at it's most fragile and I feel COMPASSION. That's all .
Hey, I do feel sorry for her...there is nothing like being a new mom..it is scary and hard..no matter who you are. Every mother can tell stories of things that happened to their babies that they survived....ask your Mom. And to the people who keep saying to take her kids away...who do you think is going to take them away..and where are they going to put them..into foster care...sure....get real..if cps has that much power none of us will be able to hold onto our children. I am sure they have more important matters to tend to anyway. You should all be so concerned about the children in our society who are really abused and left to fend for themselves for years on end.
Britney flipped off her fans long back when they all voted for her to dump federline, and she didnt. (he has ruined her image and spent lots of her cash) if she doesnt please her fans, she wont have any
That's absurd.. you'd really respect a celebrity for making a groundbreaking life decision on the basis that a load of tabloid-grabbing internet addicts wanted him or her to? I'm not in any way supporting Federline, but to suggest that she leaves him, despite any love that she might feel for him, purely because of some internet poll or something, is one of the most ridiculous suggestions I've seen
I dont understand how people can pick on her when she's like this. She's a new mum, she's trying.
The fans are responsible for her fame, she has no singing talent whatsoever, all she can do is dance. She was popular with little girls and teenie boppers, now she is simply a bad influence who has used her fan base and then flipped them off. She will never have a successful album again, she has ruined her career all for the sake of trying to keep a man whore. How pathetic!
Anonymous 1:30 am....sounds like you use to be a HUGE Britney fan and now you are bashing her cuz that's the cool and obvious thing to do...I bet you your ideas about her aren't even your own.
10.26: there are kids suffering worse lives out there, maybe you'd realise that if you stepped out of your home and stop relying on gossip blogs for news all the time?
I know it feels great to read about famous, successful, rich celebrities our age making mistakes and looking bad in pics and basically being mocked. But really, we make Britney sound like Lindsay Lohan! I think Britney's going to make a great comeback in the future because she has what it takes as a performer..let's not be jealous for a while.
And don't act all know-it-all like we were there at the scene every moment a Britney pic is taken and that we know her personal life. For all we know, Britney is happy with her husband and is content right now, despite how she is portrayed. Like we are that beautiful, capable, intelligent degree-holders with great wardrobe and would be fantastic, perfect parents in the future.
She said "this is why i need a gun" cause she's sick of lowlife assholes being in her face all the time. Anyone who finds this picture amusing is heartless. If you can laugh at something like this you are the one who needs a life.
Hey anonymous 6:27 am...you said "let's be a follower and not a leader and bash Brit"...I rest my case... you are a just a kid who can't even realize when they are proving someone else's point right. By the way you love Britney ...you are her number one ex fan.
Britney is trash, her career is over. Sorry but in this business you better know who butters your bread. She has no respect for anyone or even herself for that matter, skank!
I pretty much love this britney. she is not afraid to be white trash louisiana "oops i dropped the baby"britney. she was a real pregnant person. Fat and Pregnant not trying to stay pencil thin to fit into some versace dress. LOVE IT
Shar seems like she's a far better person than Britney. Shar Jackson doesn't want any thing to do with being famous right?
While K-Fed did not have a Shar is probably living pretty comfortably off of the proceeds from the syndication of the sit-com she was on in the nineties.
I don't feel sorry for Brit - she puts her shit out there. If you want to live in the public eye expect to be judged. And while I know from personal experience that new moms make mistakes she does not seem to be LEARNING from her mistakes. She does dumb things over and over again. She just needs to grow up.
I'm really torn between feeling sorry for her stupidity and being angry at her for it.
And I love her line "This is why I need a gun" meaning it was the paparazzi's fault she tripped and almost dropped SP on his head. She never accepts responsibility. Brit, your pants were too long and you were wearing shoes that were meant for falling. It was YOUR fault. Accept it.
Even in the restaurant she chooses a table close to a window so the paparazzi can shoot her. If she so didn't want to be seen she had a dozen other choices available to her that all would have concealed her and SP from the camera's eye.
No. She WANTs the attention. It's so clear. Look at her outfit!