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Today Britney Spears will hold a press conference to make a major announcement. Gee...let's see here. She's pregnant. No wait...she wants to tell everyone she's fat. She's joined Weight Watchers? Jenny Craig? How about...she's announcing that her career is over. No particular comment on this one except for- damn she's one nasty sloth.
hey 9:02 - perhaps she just took him out of his seat.......perhaps the car is not moving.........that being said, I think Britters is a slob and gross - I can't believe she's actually had sex with KFed - he's probably carrying multiple diseases - he is so gross.
The reflection of the tree in the glass makes it look like she has some weird hair or hat goin' on. That's the first thing I noticed. Then I noticed she is a fat loser with an unemployed husband, and rumored to be pregnant again.
Aren't she a K-Fed having so White Trash blow out recomittment wedding or something? Can't wait to see the pics from that one.. K-Fed with spend his wedding night with a stripper...
How does it go? Hit me baby one more time? Well looks like Brit fell and hit every branch on the way down the ugly tree. Ditch that white trash leach of a husband, hire a nanny that doesn't drink with Tara Reid while watching your kid, and get your ass to the gym!!!!! Looking at this I feel you are the one that is toxic.
Brit could do us a huge favor during her next fight with K-Fed. It involves a butcher knife and one quick Lorena Bobbitt slash to the groin. (Personally, I'm not thrilled these offspring will be on the public dole in about 18 years.)
all the comments on here are funny as hell and oh well here I go again about white trash Brit she looks like shes hit rock bottom like a welfare mom on crack and yes that car is propably moving right along down the highway while that kid is not in his carseat good one brit you manage to f*** up again by getting yourself knocked up by k-gross and ruin your career and eventually losing all your money youve already lost your looks
Damn! Is she in a car holding that baby instead of having him in his carseat again?