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Your kids are watching as you worship the stars. Maybe if they get divorced 5 times, maybe if they do naughty sexual things in public, maybe if they shake their butts, they can get your attention too.
Do your kids a favor this weekend. Boycott the movie awards and give them your attention instead. Who knows you might just make a positive contribution to their lives and yours.
Ohhhhhh...kaaay "Reject Hollywood", please explain what you are doing on a site like this one if you reject Hollywood? Ah, it's spam anyway, why am I wasting my breath?
Anyway, back to the snark. I see photoshopped thighs...Jessicwhore has NEVER been that thin.
Oh Jessica, how nice of you to properly introduce your new lips to the world on the cover of W. They must feel very special now.
Seriously, I thought that girl never went anywhere without her hair guy. What the hell happened her? Someone dropped the ball. She needs layers and a root touch up asap!
Actually, all she needs to do is to return the universe to its natural balance and return to the Texas trailerpark where she belongs.
never been thin? the girl weighs like 90 pounds. although i heard today that shes apparently gained 30 pounds since the breakup and that she looks a little chubby
Why don't you haters give the girl a break. FYI, the new trend in hair is dark roots. Farrah Fawcett in her heyday her roots were undone. Enough with the hating please, and Jessica will be around for years to come so GET USED TO IT!
I hate how Jessica looks. She had a beautiful face, untouched. She looks like a plastic surgery hag, and she's on her way to being a "Madame" http://cityrag.blogs.com/main/2005/11/madamism.html
She's going to age horribly with all that shit she's done to herself, and that will make her just do more and more until she turns into what Farrah Fawcett looks like now http://www.awfulplasticsurgery.com/ http://www.awfulplasticsurgery.com/archives/002336.html
It's totally disgusting and offputting, and it's sad that emotionally she's so fucked up that she feels she has to change who she is externally. Instead, she would probably be better off working on herself emotionally, taking a break from all that surgery and finding out if she really wants to look the way she's making herself look.
Wtf, 1:16, If Jess would have changed her face, don't you think she would have tell-tale scarring, most of the time she doesn't wear much makeup. No, she doesn't look like a hag either, she has no wrinkles, now I agree it's possible she had the lip injections(it's the latest fad right now in tinsletown). You need to stop being bitter and jealous just because she looks way better than you and all the rest of you haters on this blog, given a chance I know she can take your man, and any of you haters, including trannies like you.
Funny how people gang up on little Jessica Simpson. I'm petite too, I know what it's like to be small and have jealous ugly ass haters swarm you like big hulking doofy vultures, like these jealous miserable tranny haters on the web sites.
8:52, you must be an ugly fag, a big hulking one at that, because if you weren't why would you respond? Did I hit a nerve? I bet you stand over 6'2, you're the fucking man baby. Jessica is 5'2, she's petite, but the difference between her and Nicole is that Jess eats and Nicky don't. Do me favor don't involve me in your worthless humdrum life, and if life gets too overwhelming MAN, JUST GET A GUN AND PULL THE TRIGGER!
jessica wouldn't HAVE money if it weren't for him... her pre-newlyweds career was pretty sad. and look how all her solo ventures have tanked... the dukes of hazzard, her makeup line, ALL her albums, her plus-sized clothing line (heh)... the list goes on.
without nick, she's going to be the next tiffany, fading slowly into oblivion until she decides to pose in playboy.
Jessica is already on her way to becoming a huge superstar and the next Farrah(who for your information is STILL drop-dead gorgeous)and none of you losers can do a thing to stop THAT train!
Shake your BUTT emulate a SLUT.
Your kids are watching as you worship the stars. Maybe if they get divorced 5 times, maybe if they do naughty sexual things in public, maybe if they shake their butts, they can get your attention too.
Do your kids a favor this weekend. Boycott the movie awards and give them your attention instead.
Who knows you might just make a positive contribution to their lives and yours.