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A court date has been set in early September for the Paris Hilton slander case. The socialite stands accused of spreading lies and rumors about Greek actress, Zeta Graff who had previously dated Paris's ex-fiance, Paris Latsis. Hilton would potentially have to pay Graff ten million dollars if found guilty. Hey if Paris Hilton wants to talk shit about me then by all means let her. She's won't miss that $20 bucks I'm going to get from her for calling me dirty whore. Christ...get it right Paris....I'm a slutty whore. Definitely not dirty. Well................... she is queen of the hoes.
If I were her parent, I would die of embarrassment. What a disappointment she must be to them. Wait - maybe they are just as stupid and think she is amazing. She is an embarrassment to Hollywood.
I'm sick of seeing this useless bee-yoch in every magazine and on every entertainment show. I hope Zeta Graff wins her lawsuit against this evil, lying wench.
starsky wants his sunglasses back.