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Does that girl think we are stupid or something..it's obvious she has went under the knife before. She used to look cute in Parent's Trap..what happened?!
Oh yuck. You can see the stretch marks on that boob from the implant. Do guys really find that attractive? Just wondering. Don't know if I'd wanna blow a dick with stretch marks all over it like that.
Oh, lay off. Yeah, Lindsay is sad and I think it's a shame that she feels she needs to add ten years to her looks with all that make up. BUT come on ladies! Let's stop shaming people for their body parts. You know as well as I do that most boobs have stretch marks, and most boobs hang in ways that make you giggle. Her boobs are fine. And so are yours.
As this picture was taken, Lindsay exclaimed, "Thanks Tara, that number of your plastic surgeon came in handy!"
Thats one gross boob.