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If this is true, it's justified, because Nick remained friends with his current girlfriend since they broke up, and he and Jessica wed. In the tabloids, it was said through sources Nick was still seeing the Arnold girl throughout his marriage.
i guess the sad thing is, is that they most likely represent the true American Newly Wed celebrity now. Nothing new on the infidelity front, just business as usual.
Is this the new "scary, hard as tacks" look she's wearing? I had a chick give a stare like this once at a bar in Pasadena. Right before she told me she was going to "Kick my ass" for moving my bar stool.
She is such a skank! Nick was in the dark the entire time. I am glad for him it is over, she is so lame and so is all her family. Clearly Nick was never unfaithful nor did he want to be. It was her who was spreading her legs all over Hollywood. She is GROSS
A bit OT, and probably said before, but that picture of Mimi on the top left of the cover really makes her look like the Cowardly Lion on the Wizard of Oz.
If this is true, it's justified, because Nick remained friends with his current girlfriend since they broke up, and he and Jessica wed. In the tabloids, it was said through sources Nick was still seeing the Arnold girl throughout his marriage.