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Britney Spears claims that she rarely brings her baby, Sean Preston, out in public because she's scared of the paparazzi. "I don't really go out with him," Spears told People magazine. "And it's kind of sad because I can't walk down the street with a stroller. I'm not expecting people to pity me. I'm just telling the truth." I love how this women thinks walking down the street with a stroller is dangerous but cruising down Melrose with her child practically hanging out the window is A-OK. No orange floaties needed.
Yeah okkayyy. She cant walk down the street with a stroller, but her NANNY can do all the work while she walks around soaking up the paparazzi attention - directly next the the nanny. This girl is beyond help. She should just admit "Hey I have money, I thought having a baby would be a blast but I cant bare to take care of himself, so I pay Maria to follow me around carrying Sean P. like luggage." She is a poster child for people who should not have children. Its your baby - do SOMETHING yourself. She will miss out on so much because she is a do-nothing mom. What a publicity whore.
wow, check out her back fat!