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Faster then you can say gay, Star Jones relationship with Al Reynolds is almost over. You've got to love the fact that the bridezilla of the century can barely hold her marriage together. If she hadn't been so wrapped up in her obnoxious wedding maybe she would have noticed that her future husband was paying more attention to the groomsmen then the blushing bride. I wonder how Al even manages to get it up for this bitch but I suppose that face mask of R.Kelly that he makes her wear at night helps a ton. Raise your hand if your husband likes boys.
This woman is so full of it..with her fanaticism, her bull about her husband and her love for OJ, which is the truth! and she just cannot admit the truth of her weight loss.
May God bless you all for being so perfect and beautiful. First, she is told she is too fat, then she is told she is too skinny. Go figure- If you trade a hummer for a bmw you get blamed for picking out the wrong color. Is she broke after ten years? I don't think so! Did you covet her? If she was bless to have such a big wedding ( it's supposed to be the the only one)who gave her the money? If you have never had a fault, raise your hand. How can people be so mean? These are the same reasons why people snap and cause harm to others. Re-examine your lives and think back to when you probably made a mistake and people would not let it go. Do you think it is funny to have your love one walk out on you because of selfish reasons? Star has confidence and that alone scares people- even some men. She has probably admitted to herself in private that she likes her new look, or she hates her new look, but why get that personal to people who are against you no matter what you do. Now we have the VIEW with no variety. Let's see who's next Mrs. B. Walters for being too old? How dare you!!
At first I was gettng a bit tired of Star and all the attention she appeared to adorn herself with but now that this mess has transpired with the view, I see that it must have been very difficult to fight tooth and nail with those other ladies day after day. This also shows how phony Barbara Wa Wa truly is. I hope Star gets a different show at the same time as the view to compete with the hags!!
I use to dislike Star but I now have so much respect for her...standing her ground against the powers at ABC! Takes guts. The world attacking you because you had the nerve to make yourself happy...what a crime Star has committed!!! She should be more like Joy (remain ugly) or like Barbara (be a phoney on camera and off)....I hate to say this people but the more people attack Star the more they reveal their inner cowardice!....why do you really hate her? I bet you don't even know. Star is an amazing, tough, smart and beautiful woman who will get through this and keep on going.
I have always liked Star,I dont understand all the hype Is It because she Is a Black woman? First she was too fat, so she lost alot of weight, now people say she looks like a drag queen, you cant satisfy everyone no matter what ya do. If stars marriage Is over so be It, no one knows what goes on behind closed doors. star will survive this,she Is a survivor for real.
Geez, she looks scary there!