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Sienna Miller has finally packed up all of her hobo-wear and moved out of Jude Law's house. The actress hired a moving company to gather her belongings from Law's residence in London. A friend of the star told The Mirror, "She begged Jude to give it one last try, but he has moved on and he thinks it's time that she does, too. She eventually got the message and packed up all her stuff." Got the message? I'm not sure that the jumbo-tron in Yankees stadium displaying Jude having an orgy with ten chicks and a dude would give Sienna the message.Whoever taught Sienna about the birds and the bees forgot to let her in on the secret that you're not supposed to let your boyfriend humpeverything with two legs.....................though I don't think Jude rules out those that don't have any legs. That would be unfair. Apparently she forgot to pack up her bras when she moved out.
Sienna, Sienna. Everyone has finally caught on to your tactics. Since she has no (used to be A-list) actor boyfriend to keep her in the spot light any more, she will have to resort to over exposing herself as frequently as possible.
she played the injured innocent so well after Jude cheated on her with the nanny~ until it got out that she was as big a skank as he is!! Hope Haden tested out alright at the std clinic before he went back to his girlfriend.
this is what "actresses" do when they have no talent, and no A-list boyfriend to keep them in jobs. Either she will shag someone famous real soon, or she will be headed for really seedy independent films (borderline porn)-either way, I've seen way too much of this wacko chick as it is!
i think she is trying to copy Kate Moss again. i remember seeing Kate in a pose almost exactly like this one. except that Kate looked cool, and stunning. Sienna doesn't compare to Kate in modeling, just like she dosen't compare to Kate in her 'fashion sense' either.
all of the other stars n the Vanity Fair Hollywood edition did really stylish, gorgeous photos, and Sienna chose to go topless hoping she could up stage everyone. Hah!!! she looks skank, and sleazy. No way she can compare with Natalie, Anne, and Michelle. No one cares if she takes her shirt off anyway cause she doesn't have any tits!
Natalie, and Jolie's pictures were stunning. True beauties both. Sienna?? seems like a she's determined to become a star no matter what. A gutsy- if not desperate attempt at attention (as usual).
It is working because everyone is talking about her topless photo instead of Jolie's more modest butt crack photo. She was willing to pull out all stops. Or rather, stick it all out. I really hate it when women like her get famous simply because they are so willing to do anything to get ahead. Rachel McAdams wouldn't do the nude cover, but then she doesn't have to resort to doing stuff like this like Sienna does.
Yikes. She looks like the house prostitute at a Miami Beach retirement home. ''Alright, Harold- Do you need help removing your trousers? No? Well, good- You did take your Viagra, right? Turn UP your hearing aid, Harold!''
Sienna, Sienna. Everyone has finally caught on to your tactics. Since she has no (used to be A-list) actor boyfriend to keep her in the spot light any more, she will have to resort to over exposing herself as frequently as possible.
It still isn't working.