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Okayyy....fuck what I said yesterday. Sienna and Jude are back together. The couple is supposed to attend the London premiere of Sienna's new movie "Casanova" together tomorrow night.If Sienna and Jude were doughnuts, they'd be the ones still sitting on the shelf morning after morning. You know what I'm talking about. The shitty doughnuts with no frosting, sprinkles, or jelly ....possibly made with wheat germ. My point is no one wants either of these two so they are forced to continuously fuck each other and make our lives miserable. Get it? She might be a dumb fuck but she's definitely the girl that you can get to come home with you after the bars close. Again the Raz helped me with this post hence the references to doughnuts and fucking and whatnot.
ROTFL!!! ^I'm lovin' it!! a double punch this morning, kelditty's (& Rex's post) and jan's rejoinder!!!
Gawd this chick gets on my nerves!! Of course she is getting back with 'zipper drawers', she would have no career without him! Her movies dump.
In typical Sienna AW fashion, she did this interview in London yesterday at (yet another..)premiere of Casanova, and she said she was going to spend Valentine's day with her girlies, "No more men for her!"
She then claimed that she was going to contact Tony Blair and ask for protection from the paparazzi (like Lady Di or something!!) Then she pulls this again lol!!!Geeze, she insults my intelligence.
She is determined to skank, sleep, and hype her way to fame. Even Hilton comes off more credible. And that's saying something.
She's looking better since her hair is growing back, but the black tights and ugly boots with the beautiful lace dress yuck! Sienna ruins another outfit again.
her Valentine's "message" to single girls looking for love was to "stay single". this might be some good advice if it wasn't coming from someone like Sienna who took her cheating scumbag boyfriend back, and back, and was still begging to "try again" only days ago.
...we Live in a "Throw away society" The Black Tights "opaque" need to be thrown away. All young women these days wear these horrid nylons..edna whitehurst
ROTFL!!! ^I'm lovin' it!! a double punch this morning, kelditty's (& Rex's post) and jan's rejoinder!!!
Gawd this chick gets on my nerves!! Of course she is getting back with 'zipper drawers', she would have no career without him! Her movies dump.
In typical Sienna AW fashion, she did this interview in London yesterday at (yet another..)premiere of Casanova, and she said she was going to spend Valentine's day with her girlies, "No more men for her!"
She then claimed that she was going to contact Tony Blair and ask for protection from the paparazzi (like Lady Di or something!!) Then she pulls this again lol!!!Geeze, she insults my intelligence.
She is determined to skank, sleep, and hype her way to fame. Even Hilton comes off more credible. And that's saying something.