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Nick Lachey wants alimony from that bitch Jessica Simpson. Hell yeah.....Nick deserves every penny she made off of her stinky album and stinkier Dessert product line.Oh and don't forget the Pizza Hut cheesy bites. That shit tastes like ass.Have a nice Monday Night Bitches! Did he get the fearless award for putting up with her Dad?
technically, he didn't file for support, he just reserved his right to seek it later. It's a check box on a form. A lawyer could be sued for malpractice for not checking it. The press of course can't get anything right.
And he should get money after ruining his career and suffering through that humiliating "reality" show.
He's such a loser. This shows that his wife is so much more popular and earns more money than him..he might as well be a gigalo. Here is he having no pride whatsoever trying to get some money of his rich, ex-wife. Has he no shame? Why dont' he go pose for playgirl or some gay magazine to get his money.
8:07 I totally agree with you, why don't he get his fat clumsy sloppy little ass out there and do a skin mag layout, if he has the dick, I mean the goods to show to his many midget worshippers, or do a gay nude layout.
i just find it funny that if it was a girl trying o get $ off o her husband nobody would look twice. You know that she cheated on him... that HAS to negate SOMETHING legally... and i hope he takes her for all shes worth so she has to get a real job and will stop assailing our ears with her whorish bedroom voice. she doesnt have talent. at least porn stars put an x rating on their videos... she should be x rated... sorry for the tangent, but i love nick lachey. have since 98 degrees (guilty pleasure) and i hate jessica simpson
I love your site! It's my daily dose of bitch...and I can't live without it.