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Laguna Beach star, Kristin Cavalleri's new show on UPN has already been canceled. The show was taken off the air due to low ratings and bad reviews. The show's theme surrounding Cavalleri throwing parties for people that had come across misfortune and hard times. If I'm having a bad day, the last thing I want is Kristin throwing me a damn party. Handing me a gun to pistol whip the bitch might put a smile on my face however. Her dress is just about as bad as her personality.
good, reality tv people do not become talented just because they were on a tv show. I am glad it was canceled, now that's a reality check !!! Maybe it will put her in her place.
ha ha she failed to get the party started! whatever she was the rudest, meanest cruelst bitch on LB, and they want her to throw parties for poor people?! give me a break...i bet she does smell, she throws her muff around so much the guys need a catchers mitt!
HAHAHA That is one ugly dress. This girl needs to just go away and spend her daddy's money somewhere quietly