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Pamela Anderson is boycotting this year's Kentucky Derby because of its sponsorship deal with Kentucky Fried Chicken. The fellow PETA activist has been trying to increase awareness surrounding the abuse of chickens in processing plants that supply poultry to KFC. Anderson claims that she doesn't want to support cruelty to animals since KFC practices in "scalding chickens alive for our plate". You mean to tell me they kill those chickens before they sale them? I could have sworn that I had a conversation with my bucket of Original Recipe the other day. Precisely why plastic surgeons shouldn't operate on leprechauns.
you know, i've never like the green ones. i don't know why. i kind of like the yellow, and red ones myself.
i wonder what's so special about the green ones? they have pam anderson pluggin them. the red ones might get someone like carmen electra or something. the yellows, maybe just anna nicole smith. i don't have any idea who would want to be a tan one. i'll have to think about that at lunch while i'm eating a KFC...
she looks disgusting. no matter what she wears or what she promotes, she still looks as trashy as a porn star..o what a minute she IS one. I mean if you are one why can't you at least look more glamourous? I don't understand what she is thinking for overplucking her brows and painting her lips that awful colour or getting that awful tan or applying those cakey makeup.
Give me a break. She's just trying to divert attention away from the fact that she has Hep. C.