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Yet another sign of the pending Apocalpyse and my ascension to my rightful place as ruler of you all...Go my Son, go forth and spread your seed and further my teachings with your "music"! I have spoken...
P.S. don't bug me about how I spell my name, millions of alienated teens spell it this way...
I want this man to be poor in 5 years. On the street. Nowhere to go. can't get a job. shacking up with some loser friends on their couch. playing xbox and eating cheetoes thinking about the time when he used to drive a Ferrari.
GROSS, NASTY, WHITE TRASH, PUKE, EEEEWWWWWW . . . I could go on. He is just pathetic. I can't stand Britney but I PRAY that she comes to her senses and throws this guy back in the dumpster he came from. I hope he end up exactly like "mateo de acosta" said - only in 6 months to a year. It would serve the cocky bastard right.
some of you seem to forget that Britney pursued HIM, proposed to HIM, bought herself the ring, got pregnant by him by choice. If anything - crack on her. They are actually a perfect pair - dirty white trash.
I don't understand how he can look in the mirror and say "Yup, that's the look I was going for."