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Mischa Barton has apparently broken up with her fug-tastic boyfriend, Cisco Adler, and is ready to whore herself out. Barton managed to sang Jake Gyllenhaal's digits in London last week and has also been seen on several dates with a variety of different men. Good for Mischa I guess. It's kinda sucky when the chick from the OC is sleeping with a guy that looks like your local 7-eleven employee so you've got to give her props for going all out. Let's just hope she doesn't end up with Kevin Federline. Nice nailpolish Marilyn Manson.
Every time I see a picture of her, I laugh because I remember that time she said that her life is so hard for her because she is so beautiful, and other people just can't handle how beautiful she is.
Yeah her last bf was fugly too. Jake would be better, if you know, he wasn't gay.
Nail polish? Yeah. Not so much.