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Lindsay Lohan speaks candidly about herself in this months issue of Allure magazine. Lohan considers herself a serious actress and wants people to take her more seriously. "I hate it when people call me a Teen Queen," Lohan says in the interview. Being referred to as a "Teen Queen" is probably the last thing that Lohan should worry about people calling her. At this point it should be considered a compliment. I'll make sure I only refer to you as bulimic whore when I write about you on this blog..... That way when you read ityou'll know I'm taking you seriously....... Cuz I know you read me bitch. I have no idea why people refer to her as a Teen Queen since she looks about 45 in this picture.
She isn't a real actress anyway..not after she did stupid things to her body and start acting all dumb and whorish with old men.
Yea she should cherish the "teen queen" label..although no one I know thinks she is even that popular or good to deserve that label. I think she made it up herself while she was in a daze after another affair with her toilet bowl.
I have no idea why anyone takes her picture and what the big deal is about her any way. She's no better than Paris Hilton except Paris is alot richer...and actually better looking than this skank.
she really pretty but doesn't like her mouth and paleness look alittle like michael jackson in this pic?