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wow... i know people make the odd comment about her skininess but she is seriously at deathly levels here. i'm shocked she isn't getting more attention. at least shes been in more things than nicole richie, she deserves some media focus.
As David Spade put it, skinny is not in, SCARY skinny is in.
Kate B. was the original "bobble head" girl. She is thinner than Kate Moss now. I wonder if there is some kind of competition among them? Too bad the movie industry keeps encouraging it, by continuing to hire all these walking skeletons for movie roles.
She really looked great in Blue Crush, too bad she has "Nicolist" disease now.
you really know that these girls have a distorted body image when Sienna, and Nicole both have stated that they do not think that they are skinny. Not "too skinny"- just skinny.
Sienna said she did not get down to the weight she wanted before filming Factory Girl because she loves hamburgers too much. She actually said she has cellulite, and mentioned that she needed to do something about this.... I guess they are under a lot of pressure, but when is enough, enough?
Kate B was gorgeous in Blue Crush. I remember hearing how she ate a lot but still worked out to get muscle and she said she felt disgusted with herself.
I didn't realize that Hollywood had such a vast number of films coming out that featured drug addicted, or deathly ill women in them, as to keep all these young actresses in jobs.
wow... i know people make the odd comment about her skininess but she is seriously at deathly levels here. i'm shocked she isn't getting more attention. at least shes been in more things than nicole richie, she deserves some media focus.
she's seriously emaciated!