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The Simpson sisters got trashed in Page Six yesterday by photographer David LaChapelle. The sisters and LaChapelle are on the outs after the siblings pulled out of a Rolling Stone cover. "They're nothing. They have nothing. They hold no interest whatsoever for anybody. They're reality-red-carpet, lip-synching television stars," said LaChapelle. "I don't know what they are beyond that. I don't think they offer anything ... I was only doing it because of my relationship with Rolling Stone," LaChapelle ranted. "We were going to try and make the Simpsons look cool. I realize now that is an impossible task." David's pretty insightful but he left out the whole they're a bunch a whores who sleep with their Dad crap.........because you know they sleep with their Dad, right? At least Papa Joe picked a nice picture of Jess for his bedroom wallpaper.
I don't think Joe sleeps with Jessica, but Ash.... No I doubt it. That fag Dave is angry because his creepy ass makeover for Jess and Ash never got off the ground!! That's why Madonna fired his ass for her 'Hung Up video!!!
I don't think Joe sleeps with Jessica, but Ash.... No I doubt it. That fag Dave is angry because his creepy ass makeover for Jess and Ash never got off the ground!! That's why Madonna fired his ass for her 'Hung Up video!!!