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no I really think that she is preggers now...she has gained weight in her legs, arms and face. The dress looks like the dress in the Nutcracker where all the dancers come out from and do this little dance...remember?? I can't understand how nic and tom never got preg but when they were divorcing nic was preggers and now tom got katie 'preggers'......huh??
Wow - what's with the inflatable? If she's actually pregnant, it happened on Tom's b-day weekend while aboard that crappy dilapidated weirdo Scientology cruiseship.
They put her into one of their trance sessions, put her out, took the turkey baster out and pumped her w/ Travolta's soldiers. Tom Cruise's penis never touched Katie. She's technically still a lesbian virgin. She hit on my friend (who is a GIRL) while filming Dawson's Creek.
no I really think that she is preggers now...she has gained weight in her legs, arms and face. The dress looks like the dress in the Nutcracker where all the dancers come out from and do this little dance...remember?? I can't understand how nic and tom never got preg but when they were divorcing nic was preggers and now tom got katie 'preggers'......huh??