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I can't remember the last time I saw Woody Harrelson looking this thrilled.................then again I can't remember the last time I saw Woody Harrelson.
you can't put meryl and lindsay together? I mean one is A-list and is a real, good actress, the other is just one who acts in movies people dont' remember seeing after watching..unless it's one of those kiddish movies where meryl is the mother or something and lindsay is this girl who has a crush on this guy but this guy is really popular etc. etc.
And what's with her expression? Does she think it's sexy or classy? Well she isn't both at all.
i know, it's hard to believe she could be on the same screen with Meryl. They did "A Prairie Home Companion" together about a 50's radio show. Rumor has it she did a great job playing a talentless wanna-be singer. I guess working beside greatness really helps!
It looks like Meryl, and Lohan are trying to bend away from Harrelson because he smells so bad.
I LOVE WOODY HARRELSON (sp?) the movie kingpin was effing hilarious. and he was so cute in cheers... too bad he looks like he does here, but hes still faaarrrr above lohan. ps didnt he have theeee xaniest role ever in anger management? hahaha a crossdresser named galaxia... oh boy.
wasn't he arrested, or was hospitilzed or something? or am I getting him confused with Lindsey?
I think Lohan, and Merle did a movie together. I don't have any idea why Woody is there...