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Stella McCartney threw Gwyneth Paltrow an aromatic baby shower in London last week.The British designer asked the owners of a London spa Aroma Me to perform spa treatments at the party for the pregnant actress...............................and judging from the picture below apparently the spa treatments didn't consist of any self-tanning lotions or spray tans. Okay so now that you have puked up your breakfast this morning............................
With all the FAKE-NESS and superficiality of Hollywood WHY WHY WHY do you go and slam them when you see them normal. U make no sense. Either its fake or normal.
Nope, nope, nope. Get off her. I have unending respect for her living a normal life and being the kind of wife and mother she wants to be. I think she's beautiful, and I'm a fan for life, just based on her refusal to go Hollywood and stay there.
i think everyone liked gwyneth but latley she has made really mean nasty comments about society and rwhat she deems "average" people. She's become very snooty and I for one am fed up with her. I applaud Kelditty for the post.
i don't get how she won't say how many months she is preggers....does she really think that she is better than everyone else? from what i have heard from the hollywood inside is that she is very condesending and rude and does not tip for shit when she eats out.
Stay off Gwyneth..she's pregnant for goodness's sake and insulting her like that is very low. She is natural here, or would you rather look at a skinny actress with horrible fake tan and ribcages sticking out? I think she looks great and natural here. Plus people aren't supposed to look like models when they are pregnant and i'd have to say she looks good and not horribly bloated or anything..why don't you get pregnant and see what you look like for those who think she looks like shit..just dont' cry when you look into the mirror.
I dont think its the best idea to be spraying yourself with tanning chemicals while pregnant. Most women dont even get their hair colored. At least she is natural, unlike Schnozlee Simpson.
i agree with not spraying yourself with chemicals while pregnant, but you should lay of the snotty comments. unless you know her personally (in which case youd be a huge bich to be spreading it around the internet) then you can't observe her personality. cutting into someones looks is one thing. you can SEE that, but you dont know what they are like in person... ps i think she looks great
With all the FAKE-NESS and superficiality of Hollywood WHY WHY WHY do you go and slam them when you see them normal. U make no sense. Either its fake or normal.