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great pic..they don't look like midgets when they are standing on their own. i bet if they were like 5 inches taller, they would've been considered hot . Their everpresent pout has to go though.
The blue is a gorgeous color on... er, Mary Kate? Lovely look, except for Ashley's overly loud red lipstick. She need to stop that s***. Makes her look way too harsh. The overly processed hair does not look good either. But considering what they ususally look like...they sure clean up good!!
I think they look good, except they should lighten up on the eyeliner and their faces look wierd being so much whiter than the rest of their bodies. They look much better than usual, though.
They look better than normal.. I'll give them that. I also think that Ashley is the pretty one (she isn't as mal-nourished as Mary Kate, and she doesn't hunch over)
The blood red lipstick was not the best idea. Fire the stylist!
the were so sweet and innocent on Full House. How did they turn so scary?? Then a gain, I hear that Bob Saget now has a foul mouthed stand up routine. All was not well in the Tanner household!
Guys, you haven't stopped to think that maybe since this picture is from a shoot for an ad that maybe they didn't get a choice of clothes or makeup or hair?
yes, they look great. but we have seen them without all of the glam clothes, makeup, lighting ect. especially MK who looks like a bag woman most of the time.
You really have to give credit to the makeup artists, and photography crew for creating these pictures, cause some of the more recent photos of MK without makeup made her look like a hungover Janis Joplin.
i think they look great! remember people they didn't do their own hair or make-up or pick the dresses this is an ad not them just walking around this is the look the photographer and clothing designer was looking for.
this picture is HOT