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Paris Hilton was honored with the title of "Woman of the Year" by the people of Germany.It just puzzled me how Paris continues to allure the weak minded....then again this is the Germans were talking about here........ the same people that like hairy-kneed woman named Helga and have wiener eating contests. Oh wait...wiener eating contests.....okay now I know why they like her. Der haufen wein schitzel Hilton whorehein.
Awww, the Germans can't be that bad, they worship "The Hoff" over there don't they?? He's considered like a God or something.
She makes the same pose over, and over again. But as long as she doesn't 'goose step' on her way out of the photo shoot she will be OK. They put you in prison for that shit now. (seriously)
no, not kidding. during the world cup of soccer (or something like that) between Germany, and the UK, Brit fans were doing the "John Cleese" Faulty Towers walk. Or as some might remember, The Ministry of Silly Walks.
Germany is very sensitive about any reference to the Secrete Service or anything to do with WW11 in general. they passed a law that if you are caught doing this, then you are automaticly arrested, and get jail time. you could also go to prison depending on the situation.
I doubt that either of you know where Germany is actually situated on this globe.
As for Paris' title: she was not voted that by the people of Germany but by some editors of a fashion or trend or whatever crap magazine.
Next shot about that supposed law against mentioning WWII. I bet that came from a very good movie. It's fake. There are laws against the celebration of all events related to WWII, such as the release of nazi records or books or concerts, but I guess you don't want to be reminded of all the stupid wars you took part in. Or maybe you should: Korea, Vietnam, Iraque.
And before you give me crap for being a German - I am not. I am actually from Norway and an exchange student. Loved this site so far, but would regret to leave it and not because of what was said in the post by kelditty - that was funny, but because of the untrue comments it provoked.
Ok, let me find the link. it was posted in both The Mirror, and New of the World in Britian. it was FRONT page news. i didn't make this shit up. sorry if you are offended, but it IS a true story. apparantly Brit fans had gotten out of control doing the goose step walk, and it offended locals so much they passed this law in this town i believe. don't know if it is the entire country.
ignorance is not delegated to one country, or one particularly ridiculous law. the u.s. has some doosies still on the books. lighten up a little. no one is getting anymore out of line than we do for everyone else. (Gosh!)
*your a student- you should read text more throughly. it was not about mentioning WW11,it was about the 'goose stepping.'
"I guess you don't want to be reminded of all the stupid wars you part in" ??
sorry, now you are offending ME. WWl, and WWll were NOT just stupid wars the only the U.S. took part in. You are compeletly showing your lack of understanding of world affairs on this one.
OK, I'm sorry for the history lesson, but this pisses me off. ignore as you chose.
The U.S. fought the Korean war under the banner of the UN, along with British, Canadian, Australian, and Turkish forces. After WWll Korea divided into two separate countries. South Korea chose to be democratic. North Korea chose to merge with Communist China. North, and South Korea started fighting when North Korea attempted to invaide S. Korea.
South Korea ASKED for HELP from the UN. The U.S. and other forces were originally there as a policing force to prevent North Korea, and China from over taking South Korea. After North Korea invaided South Korea boundries were over run, The People's Republic of China entered into the war, and all hell broke lose.
In the Viet Nam a simular situation arose when North, and South Viet Nam started fighting each other. Again, due to communist aggression. The U.S. had signed a treaty stating the U.S. would come to the aid of any Asian democratic country that was in danger of being over taken by communist countries. After JFK was assasinted LBJ was called on to honor this pledge when North Viet attacked religous temples in South Korea, and bombed two U.S. war ships which were stationed to be on the ready. SEATO (Southeast Asian Treaty Organization) stated that the U.S. would help these countries in their struggle to remain democratic.
Sounds like a trend doesn't it. We go in to HELP OTHER countries. We didn't get anything out of either of these wars, but death, debt, and hostilites. Were they successful in the end?? perhaps not, but we didn't go in trying to take over other countries to add additional real estate for our country. Oh, and that Iraq, war, the first one was coming to the aid of Kuwait which was being over run by Iraq to seize it's oil reserves, the second one may not be based on accurate intelligence admittedly, but it had something to do with an unproved terrorist attack that killed close to 6,000 innocent civilians.
Anonymous, I live in Switzerland with my french husband and his mother is German. The Germans have a national guilt over what happened and they are a bit touchy about it...understandably so. Secondly, I just went to a British/Portugal soccer match and the Brits are always doing chants referring to wars where they literally "killed" their opposition. It was terrible to listen to Brits sitting next to me, yelling "Remember the War," during a soccer match. Thirdly, Nobody in Switzerland or France cares about Paris Hilton. People are not celebrity obsessed over here. It's true what someone said above that the German people DID NOT vote for that award. Nobody even knows who she is. I am half american and left the states a few years ago, and unfortunately know who she is. She is everything that is wrong with the world today. Disgusting.
I, as a German, have not voted for that bitch to be the Women of the Year. I doubt that any of my fellow citizens ever would. To remind you, the country that produces ridiculous 'icons' like Paris Hilton is the USA. She wouldn't be befouling the globe right now if it wasn't for the exquisite American taste. And concerning the 'goose step': There is no law in Germany against it or any other form of celebration, idiots. Get a clue. Why don't you drop by for the World Cup and see for yourself. Die Welt zu Gast bei Freunden. And last but not least: The only people I have ever met who liked The Hoff were Americans. Now that all that is out of the way: Let's get back to gossip.
By the way: Wieners are Asutrian. So is Wiener Schnitzel. As in 'Wien', which is the capital of A-U-S-T-R-I-A. Look it up on a map. If you don't mind me quoting you: Foreign people are stupid.
Ok, Ok everyone, it was a joke. It was not meant to offend anyone. I apologize for the comment. Fuck the British papers for running an untrue story. It WAS published, but God knows everything that is published in NOT always true.
IF it were a real law, it would be considered stupid. Like a lot of American laws. First off, being able to go to war and kill people is fine at age 18 yrs. But not being able to drink a beer legally until you are 21 yrs -is stupid. Beyond stupid.
Like in many situations, the British papers may have left out that they were doing a lot of other horrendous things that needed to be kept in check, and they made it sound like it was a law prohibiting only this behavior-who the fuck knows??
I agree, let's get back to gossip, there's enough madness to keep us all busy!!!
And YES, Paris Hilton does represent what is wrong with the world today. It is bad enough that we had to deal with her, now she is spreading her vacuous, tacky ass self world wide. You have the right to hate us for that lol!!!
You're right, I absolutely agree.. You're a foreigner to me, and I consider you very stupid to write such a headline.. But then again, I'm not the kind to stereotype. I know you meant to be funny but it came out.. yup, you guessed it.. STUPID!
I actually like your blog, Kelditty, but this post is offensive and therefore embarrassing. Obviously, people didn't exactly like it. The only one who proved to be stupid is you.
You are such a loser! That law is NOT true and your German is NOT saying anything! Did you use some stupid online translator?
I'm an American living overseas by the way and I'm embarrassed by people like you. You make it hard for the rest of us to be treated with respect in foreign countries.
Isn't this over yet??? The op said he/she was sorry. Why can't we just go back to bashing Paris?? Besides the poster said the article was from The News Of The World. God knows what that tabloid rag printed.
I typed in "German Soccer goose stepping prohibited" in a search engine. Low, and behold the article, and several blogs came up regarding this. The links don't seem to work but since this is such a hot subject, I will retype it.
Nuremberg Germany: Police Chief Gerhard Hauptmann said "We will come down hard on people who use insulting behavior, or make trouble. We are very sensitve about our history. England football fans should be aware that the Nazi salute, and provocative behavior like goose stepping in public will be punished. We are prepared to use our police powers to hold fans up top two weeks without charge if we feel they are a threat to public safety and order. If convicted of inciting hatred they will face jail terms up to three years.
This story ran in the London Sun, and was picked up by several blogs. This may not be "law" but this mandate is supposed to be issued locally for the Trinidad vs Tobago first round World Cup Match on June 15th.
you guys crack me up. What a tirade this is causing. Almost as good as the time I bashed Perez but not quite. Jokes people jokes! You don't like-don't read me. Kisses!
Oh and by the way.....who is this person that keeps commenting and writing entire paragraphs about german laws??? You may want to get a blog of your own.
Word up, Madlen. You're completely right. It's easy to popularize prejudices and untruths, especially if you don't even know what you're really talking about. What a shame for this website...
yeah i agree with paris being.... wait wait wait... back that up... canadians = mostly fine? i haven't heard a single piece of canadian propaganda on here and none of the people shooting of their mouths without proper info claimed to be canadian... so why the "mostly fine" ? we love you guys *sniff* my canadian pride is hurt.... hahahaha naw it's not.... this post is by far the most entertaining thus far hahaha.... paris unites us all in our conflict against her! if we can't agree on anything else....
(wahoo for canada!) . . . (and wahoo for everyone else too eh)
Aloha, hate me for being a german citizen, but I'm shocked of all these "facts" beeing published about Germany.
It is a freak country, for sure, just like any other country has its weirdos, but:
1. David Hasselhoff is NOT big in Germany. He had a Chart-entry in the early 90's with "Looking for Freedom", since then...nothing...nada, he's considered a post-baywatch-actor with alcohol problems just like in the US.
2. Stop talking about this NAZI-Shit, please. No German ist proud of what happened in Europe in the past, but for God's Sake - WHEN WILL YOU EVER FORGIVE THIS COUNTRY?? America's been going to WAR beeing proud of it a several times (Vietnam, Korea, Cold War with the USSR, Iraq 1 and 2, Bombing Afghanistan...), I guess quite a few innocent people got killed in THESE wars as well (not to mention all the dead REAL Americans, those who owned the Country by nature, the so called "native americans".
3. Paris Hilton is a stupid bitch in Germany just like she is in the US.
Awww, the Germans can't be that bad, they worship "The Hoff" over there don't they?? He's considered like a God or something.
She makes the same pose over, and over again. But as long as she doesn't 'goose step' on her way out of the photo shoot she will be OK. They put you in prison for that shit now. (seriously)