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"LOOK at me. You can see that I'm healthy. I did lose weight but I don't know how much, because I never got on the scale before. When you get older, you lose your baby fat" - Hilary Duff denying any eating disorder to Cosmopolitan ... Yes Hil........you're about as healthy as Pete Doherty after a 24 hour coke binge. Last I checked the corpse of Mr.Ed wasn't the beacon of health and fitness but since you're suddenly Doctor Quinn Medicine Woman, I'll let you win. Ahhh...you're so fat in this picture. Lose some weight Duff.
She's a bucktooth liar.She lost all that weight to keep her boyfriend, she mentioned in a mag interview that her boyfriend likes skinny girls. She's a ugly ass liar.
if paris hilton can get the role of mother theresa in a movie so why "silly duff" can wake up one morning and suddenly lose all the fat that she had -WHITHOUT MAKING A DIET -WHITHOUT TAKING DIET PILLS --WITHOUT DOING DRUGS -AND WITHOUT MAKING A LIPOSUCION? i mean we live in a magical world where everything is possible so we should be happy
Why is this the exact same line that all the anorexic celebrities use??? The whole baby fat thing is just repeated way too much. Yea, I lost my baby fat too but I didn't turn into a skeleton.
Honestly I dont understand all the speculation proclaiming eating disorders. She was chubby before and she actually looks normal and good minus the teeth. Our culture might be obsessed with being thin but because the majority of the people happen to be overweight/obsese they compare themselves with normal weight people and see them as anorexics. the average might be overweight, but it isnt normal weight and Duff looks healthy. Nicole is another story as she isnt thin but skeletal. When your bones are sticking out like nicoles that is not your normal weight. i am thinner than nicole and i have zero bones sticking out and my collar bones do not protude. she was definity big boned before.
Kate - please wake up and smell the anorexics . . . You have got to be kidding me !!!!! Hilary Duff did look chubby before but she is now NOT normal. I have seen many a celebrities in person and the camera definitely adds weight. Seeing them in person is sickening. And NO - I am not overweight ! I was a size 4 two years ago and am now an 8-NORMAL. Your comment was the most unintelligent comment I have ever read on this site. If you are skinnier than Nicole Richie, please please please eat something right now ! I didn't even know it was possible to be any skinnier than her . . . are you in liquid form now ? Seriously, get a clue.
haha im not so sure it was her boyfriedn MAKING her do it, but maybe the insecurities she felt herself... it can't help being in hollywood with all those other actresses who are stick thin. i just don't think that hilary duff knew that she had them beat before, but this is a natural thing... we all go through insecurities.... her diet just happened to be more successful. i think she'll get over it and put some weight back on.... ps she still looks good though
She's a bucktooth liar.She lost all that weight to keep her boyfriend, she mentioned in a mag interview that her boyfriend likes skinny girls. She's a ugly ass liar.