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The Bachelor is interstate prostitution. When are they going to pick a bachelor that works at McDonalds? The whores won't be opening their legs for those McNuggets. Score bitches!!!! Line up...who ever fucks the best wins. Thanks to the Raz for helping me with this post.
The bachelor looks like Opie and Robert Redford had a baby, and unfortunatly Opies voice was the one passed on. I felt so cheated last night they didnt even show the FANTASY SUITES! whats up with that?
i haven't seen this show in ages, don't know anything about these people, but i feel like i've lost a few brain cells just looking at a picture of them.
The bachelor looks like Opie and Robert Redford had a baby, and unfortunatly Opies voice was the one passed on. I felt so cheated last night they didnt even show the FANTASY SUITES! whats up with that?