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Look how short Tom's legs are - his knees barely reach the other man's calf - ughh. He really is gross. I have NEVER thought him attractive - even back in his Top Gun, Risky Business heydey. Even before his "weirdness" surfaced he seemed a short, average guy with a Napoleon complex. Now it seems some of his unattractiveness is rubbing off on Katie. She looks like she has never felt comfortable being pregnant - every picture she looks awkward and dumpy. I think if she was truly happy, that pregnant glow and grace would have come through. Pity - she had such potential.
hey anon 8:48...being preggers is not comfortable at all. she may have had a hard pregnancy and i think being with that egomaniac prob didn't make thinks easier...tom really has short legs...eww gross.
Holy crap what a tub of lard she's become. Not to worry tho...between the stress of dealing with a newborn for the first time and putting up with Cruise's know-it-all child psychology she lose that baby fat in no time.
I wonder how Tom is gonna deal with Katie's mood swings due to the post-natal depression once his hell-spawn is born? Telling Katie to calm down will only make things worse; the crying jags, the depression, the manic behavior, and maybe her jetting off to some unknown location leaving the little crumb-snatcher in the care of one of Tom's C0$ nannies; this should be a hoot.
You mean Cheetos,lol.