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Hilary Duff claims that her man, Joel Madden, would never cheat on her because he no longer drinks. Duff says that the groupie problem only occurred when he wasn't sober so now she feels that she has no need to worry. Poor sweet innocent Hilary Duff. If alcohol was the only thing that made guys fuck then bars would be open 24 hours a day. Her notion makes me want to pat her on the head and say, "Ohhhhh to be 18 again."One day you'll get it Duff.............. probably on the same day you start hanging out with Paris Hiltonand she teaches you that it's okay to blow three guys in one hour. Until then keep floating around in your innocent little world of My Little Ponies and Care Bears.......oh and Jem because she's truly outrageous. I must applaud this picture- Duff's got her mouth closed and Joel appears to have used his Proactiv this morning.
He looks like he's thinking: "OK, I'll sit here and hold her hand for a little while longer, then I can tell her I have to get back to the studio so I can hook up with that hottie I met backstage last night...."
I used to like Hilary Duff, now she pisses me off. Men only cheat because they're alcoholics? Or because they're drunk punk (hehe, that rhymes) wannabees? Is that what she's saying? Schmeh.
I wasn't even that cluelessly stupid when I was 14. If he will date someone he's 8 or 9 years older than who is underage when she's that ugly, untalented and stupid, he'll obviously date anybody. What a repulsive couple of people they are. I hope he gives her herpes.
poor hill, she bought the old "I couldn't help myself because I was drinking" line totally. she probably also believes that dancing leads to pre-marital sex too!
It's more like "Ohhhhh to be 14 again." Either she is playing the Disney naive thing to the hilt, or she is seriously not in touch with the real world. Hope she doesn't end up like Brit though, I wouldn't wish that on anyone!!!
It's like she's saying "men don't really think with their dicks". Yeah...right. I guess if Brad Pitt can cheat on someone who looks like Jennifer Aniston then it can happen to anyone--booze or no booze.
she's so delusional, it's kind of scary!
He looks like he's thinking: "OK, I'll sit here and hold her hand for a little while longer, then I can tell her I have to get back to the studio so I can hook up with that hottie I met backstage last night...."