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I'm not a big fan of Carmen Electra, but she looks about a million times better than Trashlee. As soon as we all stop paying attention to those Simpson sluts, they will GO AWAY!!!
at fiest i thought that was jessica ashlee is so patheic-its really sad that she has no identiy of her own- maybe she thinks people & her daddy will love her if she becomes more like jessica
oh ash ash ash.....wasn't it like last week you actually started to look good and hot and nice now it looks like carmen and jess rubbed off on you....ya know fake and trashy looking ......what is wrong with your father?? the porn look is not good.
Didn't she just turn 21 or something? Looks more like 41! Don't people understand that there is such a thing as looking too dark and filling your lips with that crap is too obvious of a change to actually look good!
WOW this is nasty. Fish lips. greasy hair. Just got punched in the face puffy nose. And that lazy eye! No matter what Paris Hilton says, lazy eyes are NOT hot.
She is the spokesgirl for anti-Mystic tan. She's friggin orange! Ewwww...and nice collagen lips. The Simpson sisters must get a friends & familys rate at their plastic surgeons office.
May I suggest that Ashlee be shipped off to North Korea to work at a concentration camp so we never hear from again. In fact screw all the simpsons, Lohans, and Hiltons. Just another person with too much money and no idea what to do with it. Its ok though, Global Warming will take that all away from them
oh my god. she looks fucking ugly. i dont know why pete wentz likes her. a hot guy like him doesnt deserve a fat ass bitch-whore-slut like ashlee! and besides. she's gonna break up fall out boy when she continues to go out with pete! i hate her!!! die ashlee. go to hell!
Oh god. Her lips might actually be more disgusting and fake than her sister's.
Maybe when she has another lip-synching fiasco, the new excuse will be that her lips got in the way.