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In JLo's defense, I think she is made up to look "harsh", and "rough" for a movie part, but her hubbie has no such excuses. He always looks like he is ready to fall over from some type of terminal disease. Truly one ugly guy, he even makes Steve Buschemi look good. He is just a tissue paper's width away from Pete Doherty ville. I wonder if she ever wakes up in the middle of the night, and freaks out a little.
Ya'll or straight-up hateful to this guy. I don't like him, but it's not like he TRIES to look a certain way. And, it's not only "white girls and sell outs" that hate JLO (what a ridiculous "name"); people that call it like it is also dislike her.
Some might argue that (he) isn't "fair game". After all, he isn't a celebrity, and he isn't putting himself out there as a romantic leading man or anything.
To this I reply: Why then is he in every single friggin picture Jlo has been in for the past six months? Is he a director?, is he her personal manager? Why is he always acting like he's running the show?? Since he seems so keen on making a name in the entertainment industry, then he falls into the 'fair game' catagory imo. Let's face it, we don't enjoy looking at his ugly mug. Turn about is fair play. Hence the bitching.
she looks pretty rough too