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This wasn't my favorite Reese dress but she still manages to pull it off. She's very pretty, very classy in a Grace Kelly sort of way. I don't manage to think many nice things about celebrity couples today but Reese and Ryan are perhaps the closest thing to a likable couple I've seen in a while.
Reese and Ryan are the best looking couple in Hollywood. Sometimes, instead of ripping on everyone, you just have to swallow your pride (or insecurities) and just admit that someone looks good. Her dress is beautiful, who cares if someone wore a similar one before? Be nice people !!!!
just to put my two cents in- I love them. I think they are the only good thing Hollywood has to offer but yes I could not resist ripping on the dress. Oh well...you are allowed to have one bad day.
Chanel really did Reese wrong on this dress. They told her it was "vintage", Reese was asked about it on the red carpet, and she told them it was vintage Chanel.
The dress had actually being worn by Kirsten Dunst two years ago at The Golden Globes of all places. It isn't that big a deal, but considering that Reese was a favorite to win (and in fact did) I thought it was shitty of Chanel to do that. They deserve Lohan as a spokesperson in my view (even if it's only rumor.)
Here we have people like 11.01 criticising every single feature on celebrities and then when celebrities get plastic surgery we get the same bunch of people who criticise them for going under the knife. Idiots. like 3.27 said, some people do need to get over themselves that they don't look too good either and not insult other people because they can never look as good as them.
she has a hot husband.