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That poor, poor marshmallow. It didn't do anything to deserve this. It was probably just sitting there minding it's on business when the whore grabbed it.
normally i believe in saying only nice things about people, but she is the exception to my rule. All that money and absolutely no class or brains..life is just funny sometimes.
lol 2:18!!! Auto response. Like her brain. She's so stupid she didn't realize London was located in the UK. Her parents ought to be really proud.
But wait, her mother already knows. She's the one who told Paris that she didn't have to finish High School "because she is rich." Real class, this family.
I love that throw-up comment (from Dodgeball)! Her parents really need to reel her in. I can't believe that they let her act like she does, money or not, it's a total reflection on the parents.
who would want a blowjob from paris hilton? have you seen the movie - she sucks (pun intended)