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Yuck. I had no idea she could get any skinnier. AM was right, bitch needs help. She was gorgeous but it wasnt fucking good enough for her. Ungrateful bitch.
i think she looked her best when she was halfway through her weightloss but even with her bieng as thin as a twig at least her awful hair is fixed and her clothes are nice......does anyone remember the carwreck she was when simple life first premiered? VH1 had a fablous life of celebrity super spenders and she was voted makeover of the year because she spent over 150,000 on personal trainer, stylist, clothes,dermotaligist etc., overall she looks better but just needs to gain a little weight
Hmmm....I predict that by 2007 she will disappear completely. Where is this girls family..isnt it time to do a MKO intervention on her and drag her to a hospital already?
The saddest part of this is that she is probably reading all these comments about her on this and other sites and thinking "Yeah! I'm so thin, I am skinnier than anyone" and she doesn't realize her sickness.
She does need an intervention - she'll probably need involuntary hospitalization and a feeding tube because outside of the hospital the attention she gets for being thin is feuling the anorexia.
Someone should give her a copy of Karen Carpenter's biography.
Yuck. I had no idea she could get any skinnier. AM was right, bitch needs help. She was gorgeous but it wasnt fucking good enough for her. Ungrateful bitch.