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Jude Law's old nanny had better be scared because Sienna Miller might be packing a pistol. "I'm quite looking forward to the day when our paths will cross, which I know they will," says Miller, 24, of Wright in February's Interview magazine. "She better live in fear." I can't decide what's funnier here.......the fact that Sienna thinks she can kick some ass or that the nanny should fear Sienna. Somehow the strange picture of a 100 pound Sienna and the fat ass nanny wrestling on the ground comes to my mind and I'm pretty sure I've got dibs on the nanny. Hell the strange picture of Jude Law trying to break up the two and then attempting to have a threesome with them is invading my brain as well. Throw in a little Kate Moss and it will be just like old times. .........and in that outfit, all the drag queens will beat your ass in a jealous rage.
The more I see of Miller, the less I am impressed. Jude is more to blame than the nanny. She should be kicking his ass. She comes acrossed as pathetic.
Yeah like sure Sienna, like you whipped the a** of the paparrazi huh? flailing arms, wild eyed, face all pinched up, hair a mess.
She's friggin terrifying. A attack from Sienna is like waving a nat out of your face. She's all class this one. East LA trash talking girl. I hope the nanny decks her!
"She better live in fear"???? WE live in fear Sienna. Fear that we will continueosly be subjected to your fugly face, and tantrums. Breck up with the shithead boyfriend of yours, and then we may hopefully be rid of you. But NO, that's why you stay with him isn't it?, loser.
i saw a prostitute wearing that same outfit...