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Britney Spears had better hope she has a large ass because K-Fed is singing about one in his new single PopoZao. PopoZao means "big butt" in Portuguese and "I spend all of my wife's money" in English, just to clear up any confusion. Several other gossip blogs have posted the lyrics on their site and have attempted to translate the nonsense. I translated the crap as well and this is what I came up with.... PopoZao is Popopoop. Just because you're drinking your Boone's Farm out of a champagne glass instead of a paper bag doesn't make you high class. Picture provided by Kevin Federline's MySpace. Believe that!
Boone's Farm!! I haven't heard that in years LOL! They had apple, and peach flavored wine. Gawd, that was some nasty crap, but your not too chosey when your broke, and 17 yrs old!
I swear, the term "K-Fed" is going to end up in Webster's New World editon meaning "low class free loader!!
Sorry all, but i'm portuguese and there's no word like Popozao (or popozão) in my native language. If that guy wants to sing about big butts, then he'll have to use the words "cuzão", "padeiro", "grande cú" or something like that. AND if he's trying to mention a really big load or poo poo, then it's "cócózão"... Guess his girl can't afford proper language teaching, huh?
Love your blog, it's bookmarked for future visits.
Boone's Farm! Bwahhhhhh!