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Paris Hilton took a piss in a taxicab while vacationing in Hawaii. Miss Hilton was apparently too drunk to realize that she had peed all over the backseat of the cab and never apologized to the cabbie. The cab driver says that he cleaned up the mess with a towel and plans to use Hilton's own DNA as evidence against her. Hilton denies any wrong doing. Right..... because if you're Paris Hilton it's totally kosher to use a taxi cab as a bathroom. Taxicabs smell like dirty bathrooms so what's the difference right? This could be an episode on Law and Order:Criminal Intent- The socialite defecation mystery. I think Tinkerbell and the entourage of six pound dogs had a little fun with the yellow dress. Picture via Dlisted hotness.
She is way flatter than that ! She either taped them up or got a boob job . . . I have a feeling they are taped. She is gross . . . I hope she gets found guilty in the defamation suit that Zeta Graff has against her. Maybe she will learn to stop being such a spoiled brat, stupid bitch. I wish the media would ignore her - she wouldn't even be famous if they never payed attention to her.
are you serious? this is a new low, even for paris. what's next - a bowel movement in a limo?