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I should probably be a bit more sympathetic about this but since it's Mischa Barton we are talking about here, I'm not feeling particularly nice. Seems little Miss Barton appears to be riding the crimson wave this week and the grocery store ran out of feminine products.Horrors! Maybe it's a punishment from the fashion gods since you are not supposed to wear white after Labor Day.
It doesnt look like a rags stain. Looks more like a spillage. I mean, I've never stained myself... so now im somewhat curious... Wouldnt it be a bit less dotty if it were a period stain[?]
Poor girl. Actually these kinda things are common..it's not just because you wear white. It's happened to many females... and since Mischa Barton is one..no biggie.
If you look in the fashion mags, they have recently said that it IS ok to wear white after Labor Day, espceially if you live in warm climates.......however, the period and wearing white thing is dumb.
Well, white shirts of course are okay in the winter. You can wear white pants in the winter if you want to look trashy (Unless it's winter white - which is more of an ivory). I guess in the southern states it's not a prevalent a rule, though because of the weather(But..no white shoes...pleeeease, no white shoes!) Anyway, celebs are people too, and sadly this kind of stuff is sometimes unavoidable. Poor girl. She must've been so embarassed!
Actually, it IS acceptable to wear white anything after labor day. it is not, however, too brilliant to wear white bottoms anywhere around your period. but, duh. Most likely it was her first day and she didn't know it was coming--it is spotty, which is common on the first day.
some of you people need to pay attention to detail.The redish mark on her shirt is part of the logo.Obviousley the guy walking behind her just tore that tinny little twat up, and left some of the aftermath behind. nothing wrong with a quicky while you're out and about. Never wear white when your out and about.
I've seen a better photo pf the tshirt- so agreed the red patch isn't blood- however the drops still don't look like seeping menstrual blood -unless she has a unique anatomy
out the side of a pad dork thats exactly where it shows up. And if she is like my sister she was expecting it and had protection it just came more than expected, and she is headed to her car to contain the mess both in the pants and the public image.
to me... it looks like she is wearing the pants on the wrong way.. so, i'd say the blood is weeping from her butt hole.. definate anal trauma after taking a huge dump! too many laxatives!
poor girl...i don't really like her but i feel bad for her. sometimes some girls have irregular period and maybe she didn't expected that day. accidents happend
It's common sense you don't wear white when you're on your period.
What a way to get some attention.