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Mira Sorvino is pregnant with her second child from husband Chris Backus. Most of you probably don't know who the hell Chris Backus is and I had no idea who the dumb fuck was either. Apparently he's not so dumb because Chris is a twenty-four year old former waiter who managed to snag some Hollywood ass.The situation was probably pretty hot for him for a minute but two pregnancies later makes that pre-nup start to look awfully good. Who the hell wants a kid at twenty-four in Hollywood? Well besides Britney Spears. It's an ice cream cone people! Man you're a total bunch of sickos.
Huh? Second? I didn't even know she had a first. Has the first been in and out of rehab yet?? Wait, I didn't even know Mira got married...last I heard she was made a deputy sheriff somewhere in Pennsyltucky! I was hoping that meant some kind of COPS-style reality show was on the horizon...
Yeah, he was a "waiter", but like every other waiter in Hollywood, he was also an actor. I've seen him in bit parts on several different sitcoms -- the most prominent one being on "Will & Grace" a couple of years ago. (He played Will's partner in a cooking class.) He's incredibly goodlooking, which is the only reason I remember him!
She looks like Hilary Duff there.