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Dina Lohan is trying to put a positive spin on the recent press about her daughter. Mrs .Lohan speaks candidly about her daughters issues, hoping to put rumors to rest. "She does need to stop smoking and she's on a pill to help her do that. She's a little girl, she'll be okay." Oh nice...let me rip off my patch since clearly taking the pill will cure my nic fit. Is that what Lindsay told you Mamma Lohan? No she's taking the pill because she's getting sick of all those abortions. "We love the paparazzi -- there's good and bad with everything. We don't hate all paparazzi. If someone's gonna drive their car into you -- okay, that's a bad egg". Hmmmm...bad eggs.......I hope your daughter has bad eggs because it's not fair if she reproduces. The world shouldn't have to be tortured with another Lohan but hey wait......she's on the pill never fucking mind. Hopefully she's remembering to breath when she whistles.
Her mom is saying dumb things is just proof that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree !! She will never be taken seriously as an actress. . . stick to Disney and comedies, La Lohan !!
Dear God the Emily Post of grammer is back again. Proof reading celebrity blogs for misspelled words. Sadder than Lohan's tacy "Chanel" labeled neck wear. Get a life.....please.
I'll take the bait, and I didn't even post that comment.........ok, for real, people, I too knew it was misspelled, but who gives a rat's ass? This is a Hollywood trash blog, and that's why I read it. I'm even a grad student in education, and I don't give a shit if Kelditty misspells words. She writes some funny stuff. I know when her grammar and spelling is right and when it's wrong, but I DON'T GIVE A SHIT! Keep on keepin' on, Kelditty!
The 'bait' was the misspelled word "tacy" in my post. I was waiting to see if she got all OC on me and would post "well tacky is spelled with a "k" in it" or some shit like that.
I just don't get people who read celebrity blogs and feel compelled to have to post their asine corrections about every misspelled word, or typo.
I imagine some pathetic Arnold Horshack type moron with her hand shooting up going "OOOooo!!!, OOOoo!!!! Mr. Carter!!"
She must know no ones give a shit, and she's despised for doing so, so my guess is that she must have some sort of disorder she can't controll.
Ok, I'll take the bait too... Sure, the occasional misspelling and/or misuse of grammar can be forgiven, but there are limits...after all, we are all supposedly out of elementary school. A few of my Pet Peeves: Breath/Breathe Shinny/Shiny Looser/Loser To/Too Print this out and paste it up next to your monitor for future reference... Oh, and by the way, The TV show was "Welcome back Kotter", there was no "Mr. Carter" for Arnold Horshack to annoy. Also 'control' has only one 'l' at the end. Or were these just more of your clever psychological experiments?
He pronounced it "Caar tar". But damn, that's mispelled!!!!! You have no sense of humor. Post that on your computer screen.
"Looser" is a joke. Posting spelling corrections apparently gives you something to say, when other wise you would have nothing to offer.
You are at the bursting point because someone misspelled 'too', as 'to' ?? Well, if it gets you all Monked out to read it, just go the hell away. For all of us who are guilty of the horredous crime of making typos, and occassional spelling errors, I offer: Get over it, or fuck off!
btw- I caught the spelling error on 'controll' before I posted.....but I didn't give a shit!!
Oh and by the way. Kelditty is not getting rich maintaining this blog, and putting in countless hours of her personal time to provide some friggin levity in this world, so I think it is really cheap ass of everyone to be so patheticly picky about such stupid things like misspelling a word.
But you don't even have capacity to even comprehend this do you?
Actually, I enjoy every word Kelditty writes, mispelled or not. And I have a great sense of humor, mostly at your expense...and at the expense of the so-called "celebrities" Kelditty puts in their place. But the Looser/Loser and Shinny/Shiny things do bug me, but I don't claim that I have necessarily read them here. I do read things other than this blog you know. Being an International Man Of Spelling and Grammar is a full-time job... Health tip: Try taking the full dose instead of breaking your pills in half...! Best Wishes-
tard... her mom said A PILL, not THE pill! My mom took A PILL to quit smoking and it worked... and it wasn't birth control.. gawd you're so f'ing stupid.
Oh great, now i can BREATH easier knowing i have someone who has nothing better too do than spell check other blog entries. i felt like such a loooooooser before. thank you people who have no lives thank you.
Amen anon 9:33. The spelling Nazi's either have nothing better to do, or they are just trying to intimate other's from posting. Either way, this behavior sends me into orbit. It's on the top of my list of Pet Peeves.
you bitches are funny. when i started this blog in July, I was immediatly criticized on my spelling. if you think i have time to reread my posts and use spell check you are wrong. i'm starting to have less and less time for this blog so there are two options: one is that i keep posting misspelled shit or two ; i quit blogging for good so let me know what ya'll wants.
Kelditty, I got your back babe! Don't let these anal morons get to you. Just to be sure that we are all on the same page~
I swear these people act like they are doing you a favor, "well so, and so is supposed to be spelled...." with the the FYI at the end. If you bought these ingrates a four star dinner, they would complain that the candle on the table wasn't the right color.
Just stop with the spelling corrections already. Try contributing something interesting for once in your life.
ummm your blog and all the work that goes in it...just makes me wonder lol...you seriously are bored arent you? i mean SERIOUSLY...and yeah you need 2 work on your english kiddo. nd no i dont think you 'fukin rock' like someone said....i think your just bored nd need some help:)besta luck for that...
The stop smoking pill, otherwise known as the anti-depressant wellbutrin. La Lohan's attitude is about to change.