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Lindsay Lohan was rushed to the emergency room Monday night in Miami after suffering a severe asthma attack. Bitch that's what happens when you smoke 2 packs of cigarettes a day. Oh and the coke probably isn't helping either. Typically illegal narcotics don't induce asthma attacks but hey it's fun to throw that one in there too. While she's in the hospital someone should hook her up to and IV of cheeseburgers and beef jerky. I don't regularly pick up prostitutes but this would still confuse the hell out of me.
Well REAL asthma is nothing to laught about but I (also) highly doubt it was asthma that brought her to the ER. More like a coke binge combined with malnourishment, and the aformentioned smoking doesn't help.
When I first heard this story I thought "wow Lohan actually managed beat Nicole Richie to the grave!" but then it was announced that she'd be OK.... how dissapointing. OK that was mean but she needs to be punished for that god awful outfit she's wearing in that picture!
Well REAL asthma is nothing to laught about but I (also) highly doubt it was asthma that brought her to the ER. More like a coke binge combined with malnourishment, and the aformentioned smoking doesn't help.