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Lohan was released from the hospital yesterday. She is now free tolet Jared Leto know that she's pregnant with his baby. Way to emphasize your freckles toilet bowl queen. Picture found at Vanity Fair
Frankly, I don't think the freckles are all that great looking. You can see where they start, and end from the bathing suits lines. If she continues to sun herself, then it is really going to look unattractive in a few years. But the horrible blonde hair is the real crime here.
oh, whatever. i like lohan's freckles, i think they're one of the most attractive features that she has. then again, i've always thought that she's gorgeous, except for the whole weight loss thing. but if she could gain the weight back....
*sigh* if only we could get "mean girls" lohan back
get off it. her freckles are just fine. it's her face that sucks.