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Courtney Love is not impressed with Lindsay Lohan's Vanity Fair cover. Love doesn't understand why Lohan would be put on the cover of the magazine for admitting drug use when Love herself, has admitted drug use yet hasn't appeared on any covers. In the land of "smart" and "not so much", Courtney Love clearly wins the second choice. Seeing Courtney Love on a magazine cover would clearly give me a case of the bulimias. Last I checked you had to weigh about 90 pounds to be on a magazine cover and that means your entire body.... not just your head. I have two asthma inhalers in my purse.
...Or two lines of coke left. Looks like Lohan is on the losing end of a binge contest with Moss. Sorry Lindsey, your running with a professional!!
Kate could out snort you, and your family under that table. Next up, Scarlett.