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Lindsay Lohan is telling all to Vanity Fair this month as she reveals her battle with bulimia. The star claims her drastic weight loss last year was due to her eating disorder and as well as a brief dabble with drugs. Lohan says she realized things were out of control when SNL executive producer Lorne Michaels, sat her down for an intervention. Yeah things are out of control when your family and friends don't sit you down but the old guy who writes crap skitsfora show people stopped watching ten years ago tells you that you have a puke problem.This bitch never ceases to fascinate me. Gee I think I like you with the spray-on-tan better.
poor girl. i know the threat i feel daily to binge and purge and then shove a bunch of drugs up my nose. sometimes its really hard and i just have to do it. but when i OD it's ok because i just tell the guys at the ER that i had an asthma attack. but now that i have no career, it's probably better to gain some weight and quit the drugs. but seriously, yall, cocaine is a hell of a drug.
I personally loved the line "I'm just losing my baby fat, cause I'm growing up." "Throwing up" is more like it. Yeah, it's horrible, and no, I'm not unsympathtic but it was SO obvious to everyone that she was doing coke, and had an eating disorder. You just get sick of the B.S.
Her assortment of "illness" is getting ridiculous too!! She smokes like a chimney, but suffers from asthma? Yeah right, try again.
ooh I thought the cleavage was because of her new implants. Did she take them out again?
Hmm maybe she denied them initially and admitted her problems because of publicity reasons? You never know how things work in Hollywood..people are smart.
she lies thats all she does she is just telling us what we want to hear, i am not taking away that she had problems but i know they were much worse then what she is making them out to be. she lied about... 1. her wieght 2. her coke problem 3. that she was in certain movie roles example: mission impossible, i dream of jeannnie 4. about the way she parties 5. she constianly contradics her self about her father one minute loving him for the album but then not returning any phone calls of his and testafying against him in court. i am from LI and i have met her dad more then one occasion (they went to the beach club i used to work at) he is a nice guy and the wife (dina) we used to call her Mrs. robinson b/c she would come to the club with a different guy that looks so much younger than her. 6. she lied about why she has been in the hospital
OMG i can go on and on and on but i won't waste anymore of all your time.
I think it's great that she's admitting that she had a problem rather than continuing to lie about it. Other stars should follow in her footsteps!