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If you need to hire a babysitter, then consider Kevin Federline your man. The Fed claims he is quite the Dad because he's a diaper changing machine. "I've got it down to a science," Federline, 27, tells TV's Access Hollywood. "I can do it with one hand tied behind my back with the phone on my ear." Damn Kevin Federline makes Mary Poppins look like a child endangerer. Forget rapping, K-Fed should devote his life to opening his own daycare. He can call it Playerz and Pacifiers. That's one nasty hooker that Kevin managed to pick up.
Considering he has so many kids, I'm sure it's only by default that he thinks he can change diapers. I'm sure neither Britney nor Kevin has to change many diapers thanks to the nanny.
You know what...I am tired of giving her a hard time...she is a new mom and anyone who has done that knows it is a very stressful and sometimes very lonely time.....a husband that is not supportive could just put you over the edge. It was the most stressful and sad times of my life and it should have been the most joyful...I hope the best for her.
........and why the heck does he have the phone behind his ear...couldn't this be the 2 minutes of the day he is focused on someone beside himself....what an ass.
I agree that she is probably going through a tough time. When my first was born my husband was still so immature that it was a lot of stress on me. He grew up since and when our second child was born helped me tons.
It's tough being a newlywed, new mom, and having your hubbie be absent emotionaly. To do all of that so young and in front of the cameras must be hard.
I don't care if she is fat or not. I just want her to have the self respect to care about her appearance. I love Britney but it pisses me off to see her going downhill.
It's not shallow to care about yourself. You have to love yourself enough to put on more than a wife beater top and sweats. I just want her to get what all new moms need. Have a nice hot bath or shower, get her hair done, her nails done, facial, anything. Go shopping for some nice clothes. Jeans can look good with clean shoes and a nice sweater. It's not hard.
I hate the way Paris Hilton and Mariah Carey dress, but at least they love care to put the effort into being clean and wearing clean clothes daily and making an effort to look nice. They don't but at least they think they do. Britney just doesn't try at all.
If she tried and looked like shit well it's not her fault but she could go to the GAP and get an outfit for less than what she spends on coffee and look so much better.
Britney has the wrong people around her. If she was my friend I'd help her. Her mom needs to fucking help her out too. When I had my daughter my mom was there to give me time to have a shower, nap, and she made me food and helped a lot. And my mom had to take time off work to do that and traveled from the USA to the UK to do it. She was there to give me and my husband a break. Where is Lynne?
If I was Brit I kick Feder-fuckhead to the kerb. He is such a loser. I think he has done that too her. Think of it this way - Brit was a pretty pop princess then she marries K-Fed and pops out a baby and now looks like a trailer trash granny. I feel for the poor girl, I bet she has postnatal depression, Ive had it and it is really horriable. I just wanna hug her, then slap her!!
nannies or no nannies it's hard emotionally for anyone but especially someone so young to have a baby and deal with a man who is like Kevin. I feel for her. He totally did this to her.
She doesn't seem to have any real friends to lean on. The people around her are all younger than her or much older. I bet she's really lonely and Kevin isn't someone she can share this with.
Kevin took advantage of Britney when she was still hurting after Justin. She didn't have a serious boyfriend after Justin until Kevin and her little 'going wild' episode was a response to her break up with her first real love. She wasn't in a good place emotionally to see Kev for who he is. I bet he totally played on that and now they're married and he has her where he wants he is an ass to her. I just so know he's the type of ass that thinks of her as a trophy that other guys would have wanted and now he has ruined her and is keeping her down so she won't get away. Bastard.
I LOVE those shoes!!! ME WANT!!! The dress ain't bad either. But her makeup job and the hair and the purse just make it all look bad. Oh, and her husband brings the whole ensamble down too.
OK, if the hussy wasn't smart enough in the first place not to have a baby with a man who left his LAST wife when she was pregos, well, that's her fault. KFED never came across to me as a caring, concerned, family-oriented individual to me, given what he did to Shar Jackson. I'll give K Fed a point to moving up to someone who was at any point in time cute (unlike Shar), but I don't feel sorry for Miss Brit and her trials. She asked for it. What goes around, comes around!!!
As far as her clothes go, at least she isn't forcing us to stare at her stretchmarks until she has a tummy tuck, if she didn't have one when she delivered!!
Considering he has so many kids, I'm sure it's only by default that he thinks he can change diapers. I'm sure neither Britney nor Kevin has to change many diapers thanks to the nanny.