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You can all look forward to seeing Jessica Simpson on your television set Super Bowl Sunday, because she'll be trying to sell some cheese. No she's not doing a football variety show with her Dad but selling Pizza Hut's new cheesy bites. Hmmm.....I've almost lose my appetite. I guess it's better then that desert lotion shit. Where's Paris Hilton when you need her? Would someone get Jessica a shot of tequila and a stripper pole? This girl is not playing the right Hollywood break up game.
no excuses, she has a manager, a stylist or two, an agent and a gizillion dollars to clean it up. The problem is she is making her style decisions on her own and commenting on her own instead of going through her agent. She is a dunce and needs serious guidance. They should put her on a VERY short leash.... case in point her perfromance at the last awards show. She should NEVER perform that song again and stop letting her mother chose her clothes. It was amature night at the local highschool.
way harsh, 10:53 . . . I think people ned to give her more credit than she has been getting lately. She is not that dumb, if you watched Newlyweds religiously like I did, you would've seen that she can be very smart. Who's to say that after everyone started tuning in to see what dumb things she said, she didn't play it up for rating. Smart, if you ask me. No one will ever know the truth behind her divorce except her and Nick so lighten up and give the girl a break . . . she is going through a very public divorce !!!
You have to remember that she was a VIRGIN when she married him. This is her first big break-up! It just happens to be a marriage.