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grey dress is Ashley adn the other with the lame hair DO is MK. I feel badly for MK, why did they let her do her hair like that? She looks like a retard.
They're like any other twins, see them every damn day and you can start to tell a difference. I'm still amazed they're fraternal and not identical. I agree with the person who told them to stop pouting, that's old. What do these girls look like really smiling? I also agree with the person happy to see them in clothes that aren't all baggy. They can look quite nice.
People who smoke but started smoking well after the years that the public learned that smoking causes lung cancer (plus a whole other list of problems) need to look in the mirror and think. What complete morons these people are! MK is the smoker, and she has millions of girls that look up to her. Why doesn't she get it? I swear if Dakota Fanning starts to smoke in a couple of years...ughhh!
I don't know which is which, but to me it looks like the stylist on set favored the one with the pretty grey dress...