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Ahhh, but there is always the ultimate revenge my friends. Jennifer's tell all book.
But I am not so sure it will be filled with truisms. Clive Owen kind of exposed her B.S. about their hot, and heavy sex scene causing bruises on Jen (alledgedly she got so into it, she didn't notice until later)
He claimed the scene was rather ho-hum, and more "comfortable" than exciting. He also said she never got any bruises from the scene.
Being dumped publicly is a bitch. I truly feel sorry for the women on the recieving end, and there is a list to be sure: Halley Berry Jennifer Aniston Sienna Miller Uma Thurman
And that's just a few! Some women just go on with their lives. Others feel like they have to do "damage control" and defend their sexual attractiveness. Society often rewards "the other woman" to make it worst. But I'm afraid my compassion begins to tap out when they start writing books, and start going on talks shows to "talk out their pain." It just seems like another PR stunt for them then.
Go TEAM JEN !!! Angelina is trash and she needs to put some chapstick on those dry, cracked lips of hers. They are gross, she is gross, her and Brad are gross. . . ick ick ick. Jen is way better off.
i cant be so quick to blame jolie. if the marriage was working then you could dangle all the jolies in the world in front of your man and be sure he will stay with you. yes it is unfortunate that they broke up and yes it sucks it was publicly... but there were obviously more problems than angelina jolie and it would be better to let it all alone because jen will move on so just let pitt-jolie have what happiness they can get out of this (they do look happy)
I, personally started out on team Jen--But after seeing the beautful family brand and angie have built, I am definately on team Jolie!! She is an amazing woman who gives more of herself than any other actress out there. If more people with that kind of money did what she and Brad are doing--this country and others alike would be well better off.
first comment yay!
go team jolie