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When Fox News refers to you as Angelina's boy toy I think it's safe to say you're whipped. Congrats to Brad for being a Fad Dad. Yeah....um how the hell do you think she found out.........she saw all the pictures from the last couple of months like the rest of us did.
Pitt's just Holie's current conquest. She gets her kicks seducing men who are already in committed relationships. There's no way in hell they're relationship will last. I'll bet they both go to sleep at night wondering wtf they're doing. I doubt either of them thought that things would go as far as they did. It's difficult to back down and admitt you made a mistake while under media scrutiny. They never look truly happy together, which speaks volumes in my book. I'd be surprised if they could last under the pressure for another year.
I hate Maniston. She is the most annoying bitch around. How Brad stayed with her for 7 years I'll never know. Vince run while you can before she leads you into crappy movie hell.
- britney doesn't completely look like shit in that pic (or maybe she does but i can't pick on a woman with a child) - jessica spends so much time getting the perfect extentions and hair color but she forgets about her hair roots? and i am not suprised that she is whoring herself out already - jen has pretty eyes and thats all she has going for her, even her hair doesn't look good anymore - angelina looks happy but kind of normal looking and get rid of the black tops already caus they are boring and unflattering - and black hair doesn't look good on brad, he has been looking rough lately
Who gives a shit how Jen found out? She has been banging Vince for many months now. I am sick of her playing the victim. If she wasn't so self ceneterd she wouldn't have put Friend's and all those B movies ahead of her marriage.
according to the article someone in the Pitt family told her after Brangelina broke the news over Thanksgiving. It actually makes a lot of sense. Besides, didn't we all know this was coming? Please, I'm tired of this drama.
Pitt's just Holie's current conquest. She gets her kicks seducing men who are already in committed relationships. There's no way in hell they're relationship will last. I'll bet they both go to sleep at night wondering wtf they're doing. I doubt either of them thought that things would go as far as they did. It's difficult to back down and admitt you made a mistake while under media scrutiny. They never look truly happy together, which speaks volumes in my book. I'd be surprised if they could last under the pressure for another year.